2017-11-17 - Total Volvo


~4.3 mi @ ~15.2 min/mi

"You can't total a VOLVO!" Molly exclaims, disbelievingly, at reports of a colleague's daughter doing precisely that recently. The Dawn Patrol pauses at Starbucks in McLean for the first hot coffee of the season, as Venus twinkles low in the east on a crisp morn. Drs K&K are recovering well from their Stone Mill 50 Miler experiences, modulo normal soreness, back pain, purple toenails, ITB flare-up, hip flexor trauma, etc. after one's first official ultramarathon. Bravi to both! Front yard gardens are trimmed back for the winter. New (from the half-price room at RnJ Sports) "Hoka One One Tor Trafa" shoe-sandal hybrids feel comfy-good on old feet.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-12-10